We sat down with active safety expert Raymond Kiefer and engineering safety specialist. Maryannbebe to talk about the innovation that went into creating the available active safety technologies in the all new 2016 Malibu.
        Malibu offers a sophisticated range of radar, camera and ultrasonic crash avoidance technologies to help driver avoid crashes in everyday driving situations. In fact, we’ve engineered a number of available safety features, including low Speed Front Automatic Braking, Lane Keep Assist with lane departure warning and rear cross traffic alert, before you make a lane change, the available side blind zone alert with lane change alert feature lights up a side mirror icon if a vehicle is rapidly approaching or in your blind spot. Available front pedestrian braking marks Chevroolet’s first foray into helping drivers avoid pedestrians. An amber icon appears if a pedestrian is detected a head and if you’re seconds away from a crash, red led alerts flash on the windshield along with rapid beeping. If braking is delayed or if a pedestrian suddenly appears, the brakes are automatically applied. This may not prevent the crash, but reducing crash impact speeds can make a real difference.

What’s the difference between radar and camera technologies in active safety feature?

        Both technologies do an outstanding job of helping drivers increase awereness of what’s going on around them. Radar is an active safety technology that improves vehicle detection range and works better in inclement weather conditions that may be a challenge for cameras. Camera technology works more like the way we see and avoid objects every day by using visual looming cues about the way objects grow in size as we approach. This technology is used in the available low speed frond automatic braking and available front pedestrian braking features. Cameras can also show you hazard that you can’t see directy with your eyes or mirrors.

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