The cars of the future

The cars of the future
 In the episode TechKnow this time, Phil Torres visited the Toyota Technical Center in California in order to take a spin on the vehicle brand new hydrogen fuel cell Toyota (HFCV) as well as to learn about the future of cars alternative fuel vehicles.
The fuel you are pumping into these cars is the hydrogen gas. Energy is created in the fuel cell through a reaction with hydrogen in the tank with oxygen from the air - with the end result into electricity and water. In fact, emits only water alone.
tough California emissions standards precipitated the development of hydrogen cars and Toyota is the first company to launch the car with hydrogen fuel to consumers. They have been working on the technology for over 20 years and models they have been testing a homemade car in extreme conditions are different.
other major manufacturers, General Motors, Honda, Hyundai and Mercedes, getting ready for their own models.
Correspondent Shini Somara visit Ann Arbor, Michigan, to explore communication (V2V) vehicles for safer driving. V2V technology is a type of Wi-Fi system that will allow any vehicle on the road to "talk" to each other at a short distance, calculate the danger and issued a warning.
The US federal government in the final stage of the mandate of this technology in all new cars.
In collaboration usual for a highly competitive industry, nine major automakers are working together to cement this V2V technology.
Somara also looks at the latest developments in the crash test dummies and how researchers use 3-D imaging to make them smart dummies and to better understand the different impact of a crash on a variety of body types.
And TechKnow contributors Costa Grammatis, an engineer, who has designed all kinds of things from the satellite in space with a bionic eye, took a ride on the driverless car. He is researching technology that has gone into creating a car that switches between the driver - a human driver and the vehicle.
Source: Al Jazeera

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